Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week #4 update

Failing to plan is planning to fail. One of the things that a motivational speaker says immediately before the audience collectively sighs at what a tosser the guy is... but there is an element of truth in the sentiment and with 15 bucket list items (and 15 more for Rosy) to tick off, I felt the need to start a bit of planning.

I began to ponder how to make the kid's birthdays memorable (Bucket List Item #6). Rosy suggested I be home for Bella's third birthday... something I didn't achieve for her first and second birthday and in fact found myself on a plane to Perth to interview with Red Rooster less than 48 hours after she was born. I guess being there will probably be a good start. Bella's brithday is on a Saturday this year - Will I be home for it? Magic 8 ball says "My sources say YES"

We did some research on the trip to Eulo. A lazy 11 hour, 918km drive going through the tourist Mecca's of Goondiwindi, St George and Cunnamulla. The most remote winery in Australia, mud baths and museums will probably be on the itinerary. Camping by the billabong teeming with wild birds... probably not. Like any endurance event, training is a must. Yesterday we took the kids on a 3 hour drive to Mount Mee (a place, not a request). The prevailing weather conditions allowed us to drive in the clouds. Although we didn't see Edward and Bella scrambling through the tree-tops, the experience was still awesome as these photos demonstrate:

Some cow spotting (Craig would have been sticking his head out the window like an excited puppy), ample lashings of Iphone games and pre-loaded Wiggles and Peppa Pig episodes and truly spectacular Woodford bakery sausage rolls munched on the fly - all in all the kids loved the drive. What are the odds that the 22 hour return trip to Eulo can break down into 7 and a bit really enjoyable 3 hour segments. Slim me thinks. Easter weekend looms as the likely date. Unless sanity prevails in the interim.

I also thought it was time to try and knock off another list item in totality - Bucket List Item #12 - Complete the Ribs and Rumps Meat Your Match Challenge. A reminder for those playing at home - 1KG of steak, a full rack of ribs and approximately 600g of chips, to be consumed in one sitting. This list item has attracted some interest and commentary - many want to spectate when I take it on, and some are keen to throw their hat (or belly) into the ring and join me in the mass animal slaughter. So... for those playing at home that genuinely do want to play - I want to do this in early March. If you would like to join me, post a comment here or on Facebook. Let's get a group together and make it a date. If we get enough people together, they may be able to walk the whole cow to the table and cut it to order. I bags the bell.

Enough of the planning. Let's cover the progress. Saturday's miserable weather and the still newishness novelty of Apple TV combined to deliver a comedy double-header (Bucket List Item #7). First was Napolean Dynamite, a movie that I had not seen before as I assumed it would be a steaming pile of dog turd. How wrong could I be. It turned out to be a steaming pile of elephant turd in fact. There were a couple of actual funny bits - just enough to remind you of the genre, but it was mostly uncomfortable, cringe-worthy stuff, like watching George W. Bush trying to be president. Or smart. Next up was Tommy Boy. I initially shed a tear for Chris Farley when he died at the ripe old age of 33. People said that the world lost a comedic genius. People were wrong. Comedy movies made without Farley are definitely funnier, and have a far less expensive catering bill. With 25% of Bucket List Item #7 completed, the only common thread to date is the absence of genuine funniness. But much like Richmond Football Club, I will continue to turn up every week even though there is no real chance of improvement.

Until next week...

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