Sunday, January 1, 2012

Scott's Bucket List...

2011 for me was the "Year of Contemplation." 2012 I've decided is the "Year of Action." Inspired by Kelly Stokes who created a "Top 30 things to do before turning 30" I've decided - why not treat each year like that? So here's 15 things I am setting out to achieve this year (above and beyond the usual NYE resolutions - be healthier, nicer etc) of which I must achieve at least 10 to achieve my goal. And to keep myself honest, I'll track my progress through my old friend Facebook. In no particular order...

(1) Read all the books on my bedside table (those that know I'm not a big reader, this is an actual challenge - there's about 6 there)

(2) Design the menu for a restaurant I'd like to open

(3) Take my squash wins against Eagle Boys opponents beyond 800 (with hopefully zero losses)

(4) Meaningfully help a friend in need

(5) Try at least 20 new foods (ie foods I've never tried before. Excludes drinks)

(6) Make the kid's birthdays memorable

(7) Watch (or re-watch) the Top 20 Comedy Movies of all time - there's plenty of lists going around. I like this one -

(8) Visit the monument to cockroach "Destructo" in Eulo

(9) Take a cooking class

(10) Do the Sydney Skywalk (hopefully to chip away at my growing fear of heights)

(11) Meet Carl Barron

(12) Complete Ribs and Rumps "Meat Your Match" challenge (1kg steak, full rack of ribs and 2kg of chips in one sitting)

(13) Write the first chapter of IF41 memoirs (the university quasi-fictional novel)

(14) Tip outrageously after a meal at least once when the service is good

(15) Grow a moustache

So, there you have it. Who knows - if I achieve the goal in 2012, then exciting to think what I can plan for 2013, 2014, 2015....


  1. Nice work Scottie! Looking forward to your post updates and seeing your progress. I make resolutions every year too, and forget them after about the first month. Good luck!

  2. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com
