Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week #4 update

Failing to plan is planning to fail. One of the things that a motivational speaker says immediately before the audience collectively sighs at what a tosser the guy is... but there is an element of truth in the sentiment and with 15 bucket list items (and 15 more for Rosy) to tick off, I felt the need to start a bit of planning.

I began to ponder how to make the kid's birthdays memorable (Bucket List Item #6). Rosy suggested I be home for Bella's third birthday... something I didn't achieve for her first and second birthday and in fact found myself on a plane to Perth to interview with Red Rooster less than 48 hours after she was born. I guess being there will probably be a good start. Bella's brithday is on a Saturday this year - Will I be home for it? Magic 8 ball says "My sources say YES"

We did some research on the trip to Eulo. A lazy 11 hour, 918km drive going through the tourist Mecca's of Goondiwindi, St George and Cunnamulla. The most remote winery in Australia, mud baths and museums will probably be on the itinerary. Camping by the billabong teeming with wild birds... probably not. Like any endurance event, training is a must. Yesterday we took the kids on a 3 hour drive to Mount Mee (a place, not a request). The prevailing weather conditions allowed us to drive in the clouds. Although we didn't see Edward and Bella scrambling through the tree-tops, the experience was still awesome as these photos demonstrate:

Some cow spotting (Craig would have been sticking his head out the window like an excited puppy), ample lashings of Iphone games and pre-loaded Wiggles and Peppa Pig episodes and truly spectacular Woodford bakery sausage rolls munched on the fly - all in all the kids loved the drive. What are the odds that the 22 hour return trip to Eulo can break down into 7 and a bit really enjoyable 3 hour segments. Slim me thinks. Easter weekend looms as the likely date. Unless sanity prevails in the interim.

I also thought it was time to try and knock off another list item in totality - Bucket List Item #12 - Complete the Ribs and Rumps Meat Your Match Challenge. A reminder for those playing at home - 1KG of steak, a full rack of ribs and approximately 600g of chips, to be consumed in one sitting. This list item has attracted some interest and commentary - many want to spectate when I take it on, and some are keen to throw their hat (or belly) into the ring and join me in the mass animal slaughter. So... for those playing at home that genuinely do want to play - I want to do this in early March. If you would like to join me, post a comment here or on Facebook. Let's get a group together and make it a date. If we get enough people together, they may be able to walk the whole cow to the table and cut it to order. I bags the bell.

Enough of the planning. Let's cover the progress. Saturday's miserable weather and the still newishness novelty of Apple TV combined to deliver a comedy double-header (Bucket List Item #7). First was Napolean Dynamite, a movie that I had not seen before as I assumed it would be a steaming pile of dog turd. How wrong could I be. It turned out to be a steaming pile of elephant turd in fact. There were a couple of actual funny bits - just enough to remind you of the genre, but it was mostly uncomfortable, cringe-worthy stuff, like watching George W. Bush trying to be president. Or smart. Next up was Tommy Boy. I initially shed a tear for Chris Farley when he died at the ripe old age of 33. People said that the world lost a comedic genius. People were wrong. Comedy movies made without Farley are definitely funnier, and have a far less expensive catering bill. With 25% of Bucket List Item #7 completed, the only common thread to date is the absence of genuine funniness. But much like Richmond Football Club, I will continue to turn up every week even though there is no real chance of improvement.

Until next week...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Passionfruit crème brûlée!

I ticked item 4 off my bucket list on Australia Day...I made passionfruit crème brûlée! I wanted to do a crème brûlée with a little flavour and the passion fruits are lovely at the moment! Scott picked me up a blow torch thingy (I'm sure that's the technical term right?) from Mel when he went to cooking school and otherwise all I needed was eggs, cream, sugar, vanilla pods and passion fruit. Simple!

Making the brûlée was actually pretty easy:

  1. Heat the cream with the vanilla seeds and split pods to just below boiling
  2. Mix the egg yolks and sugar till they are lighter in colour and thicker.
  3. Strain the cream mixture and add very slowly to the egg mixture.
  4. Add the strained passion fruit pulp and mix well.
  5. Pour into ramekins and bake (in a water bath) until just set.
  6. Refrigerate until chilled.
  7. Sprinkle a teaspoon of caster sugar over the top and brûlée!

On Thursday I didn't chill them before doing the blow torching and the custard was too runny (but still delicious) but I brûléed a couple more tonight from cold and they were awesome! The caramel on top made that awesome crack as the spoon went through and the custard was a wonderful consistency!

Alex really enjoyed breaking the shell and of course he was fascinated by the blow torch which of course is under lock and key, can't be too careful with such a curious little boy like Alex!

I enjoyed trying a new cooking technique, I think I might try a soufflé next!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I've been very busy!

I've been knitting and purling my fingers off! I've finished (with the exception of a button) my first bucket list item, a cardigan for Bella! It was a real learning process and it's definitely not perfect but I'm really proud that I've done it.

I started on the 4th of January and finished this morning, the 23rd of January... I knitted almost every day for a few hours (some days more than others) so it's taken me a very long time! I'd estimate maybe 80+ hours has gone into Bella's cardigan, I said to Scott yesterday that I need to install a tracking device into it because I'd be devastated if it got lost!

Don't look too closely because there are definitely some mistakes in there... I couldn't figure out how to do the 'one row button hole' properly (and YouTube didn't help!) so it's a bit wonky and my increasing stitches aren't as invisible as I'd like them to be but I'm still proud! I will do another one, probably a smaller size so that Bella can wear it this winter! I've also got a patter for a doll version which would knit up a lot quicker and might be fun :-)

So the knitting techniques I used were:

* Casting on
* Knitting
* Purling
* Increasing stitches (knitting on the front and back of one stitch... AKA k1fb)
* Garter stitch
* Stocking stitch
* Casting off

I've known how to cast on, knit and cast off since I was a little girl but never done anything other than very dodgy scarves so this was a real stretch for me!

I made a '4 year' size and it's definitely too big for her. I'm glad that I made it a lot bigger rather than maybe too small though, it was a huge investment of time and effort and I would have been really annoyed if it didn't fit! So once I get a button stitched on it's all done!

So this is what I was aiming for...

This is what I made...

Week #3 Update

You know some weeks feel super productive (like a 3-pack-a-day smoker's cough) and some weeks don't. At the end of Week #3 I feel like my lungs are perfectly in tact. But some progress was made and all progress is good.

Jono didn't turn up to squash, so Ramon kindly got me 13 games closer to my target (Bucket List Item #3). 700 should come up some time in February and then it's all down hill from there. In theory.

Apple TV delivered another of the so-called top 20 Comedy Movies of all time (Bucket List Item #7) direct to my lounge room. Video Ezy have this funny "We'd prefer you wear shoes sir, and pants for that matter" policy and neither sit comfortably with me on Saturday night. This week's movie, Shaun of the Dead, is one of few British comedies on the list and re-affirmed for me that British people aren't even remotely funny. Except Hugh Grant who played the aloof, slightly awkward prat in Four Weddings and A Funeral. And Notting Hill. And Music and Lyrics. And Did You Hear About the Morgans, And About a Boy. And Nine Months. Yep, as versatile as Sly Stallone and Steven Seagal in the acting department. I wonder if Liz Hurley enjoyed the monotony? Evidently not as much as Playboy undies. Or texting.

I've hit the 10% mark in Bucket List Item #5 - Try 20 new foods. Chermoula and Chicken Jasmin. I had a hot dog at Dreamworld today. I'm quietly confident that it contained animals I've never eaten before, but I'm not claiming it. It you don't know it's name, it doesn't count. Well that's what Tiger Woods told his ex-wife anyway.

Until next week....

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week #2 Update

The 2012 bucket list didn't know what hit it this week. I've been more productive than Campbell Newman at a press conference. Except with slightly more hair and slightly less ego. And I also have a first name and last name, not two last names. And nobody pronounces my name "Hello Hamilton" in Seinfeld style like they do with "Hello Newman." Anyhoo....

Re: Bucket List item #1, I have commenced reading another book on my bedside table - "Political and Business One-Liners" which by book standards is right up my alley - humorous but more importantly, able to be broken down one line at a time. I'm also confident they will never make a movie out of this book so therefore, reading this is not duplicated effort. Angela inscribed the front very thoughtfully, possibly to make me read the damn thing rather than re-gift it!

Unfortunately I did not add to Bucket List item #3 this week due to Ramon's over-active social life and Jono's under-active masculinity. Although game on tomorrow at UQ. I did however unexpectedly chip away further at Bucket List item #7 thanks to GO's decision to break it's usual Saturday night pattern and air something that may be of interest to human beings. National Lampoon's Vacation in fact. Funnier than Animal House? YES. Funny enough to be on the Top 20 funniest of all time list? NO. You can't deny the all star cast though - Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, John Candy, Randy Quaid, Jane Krakowski and Eugene Levy are all funny SOB's in isolation. More funny is that this movie will probably always be remembered for "Girl in the Ferrari" Christie Brinkley and the question that will probably never be answered - Billy Joel... how did you manage that? SBS also aired a movie with Scarlett Johansen and Penelope Cruz kissing. So National Lampoon's Vacation can't even claim "best moment of the night" status. Tom Cruise FYI - That's a real reason to jump on Oprah's couch. 

Most progress this week was certainly made in the culinary field, with Bucket List item #9 (Take a cooking class) officially crossed off the list and therefore becomes the very first fully achieved 2012 Bucket List project. Melanie Townsend is a marvel and a magician: through her cooking school Vanilla Zulu she managed to gather a bunch of guys with less skills in the kitchen than Mel Gibson has in anger management and create a truly gourmet feast. The "Men Behaving Badly" menu (not named after Mel Gibson) commenced with Double Decker rosemary, rock salt and bocconcini focaccia, then moved through Haloumi, asparagus and proscuitto parcels to a main of Fragrant Moroccan baked fish with caramelised lime and to finish Brulee flavoured semi-fredo with nutted caramel shards. Nom nom nom.

Did I love it? I kinda did. Through some basic cooking tasks at the beginning Mel managed to break down the barriers and nervousness in the group and everyone bonded quickly. We learnt some skills, shared our meals and a few beers (except Theo who's back on the "Don't Eat or Drink Anything I May Vaguely Enjoy" diet) and had plenty of laughs. More importantly, I put my new skills into practice this afternoon by throwing together some double decker bread and haloumi, asparagus and proscuitto parcels for great friends and willing guinea pigs, Trent and Carly. I even used the bonus lesson - garlic and rosemary stuffed brie as a dip served with the bread. Calorie count: unspecified. Use it or lose right? That's also my theory on Qantas Club, red wine and penises incidentally.

My culinary adventure also included a chow-down on a food I had not ever consumed before - chermoula - so Bucket List item #5 also got a look-in. Anyway, I highly recommend Vanilla Zulu to and cooking chumps that want to be chefing champs. Modesty was always my strong suit. Well one of hundreds of strong suits...

Until next week...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week #1 Update

Well, one week down and 51 weeks to go. How am I going?

It may surprise people to learn that I am yet to achieve #3 - Take my squash wins beyond 800 - but I did increase the tally to 674-0. I failed to meet Carl Barron (#11), visit Eulo (#8) or pen the IF41 memoirs (#13). But hey, the idea is to challenge myself and it should take me a year to crack all these nuts. I did stare down someone as they completed the Ribs and Rumps Meat Your Match Challenge (#12) and came to realise that this will actually be a feat. 

I am 187 out of 212 pages through a book. A real book - not a Ralph or FHM. A proper book. Adam Gilhrist Walking to Victory in fact. The most eerie part being the foreword written by Andrew Denton - literally the first two sentences of the book... "It is a little known fact that cricket has a higher incidence of suicide amongst its players than any other sport. I once asked the celebrated cricket columnist, Peter Roebuck (himself a former English county captain) why this was so." Eerie because Peter Roebuck in fact committed suicide himself in November. I wonder if he had a bucket list? If so, I wonder if "sexually assault another dude" was on his list - at least he could have ticked that one off...

Moving right along. 5% of #7 was achieved - I watched one of the "Top 20 Comedy Movies of All Time." Animal House. One of the three funniest movies to emerge from the entire 1970s decade. Apparently. What did you think Margaret? I really didn't like it David... I'd give it one star. If I had a picture of poo, I would post it here to describe. Although I did learn that Donald Sutherland was old and really ugly even in 1979. Ironically we also hired The Hangover #2 - not on the list but possibly could join The Hangover Part #1 as an actual contender for funniest 20 movies of all time. 

This week, courtesy of the hugely talented Melanie Townsend of Vanilla Zulu Cooking School I'll be diving into a "Men Behaving Badly" cooking class and in doing so, ticking #9 off my list. Nom nom nom. I reckon I can knock over Adam Gilchrist's book and await Brad Haddin's book "I'm crap at everything but Tim Paine is always injured" which is sure to be a bestseller. Like Animal House.

Until next week...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

R's #10: Knit an item of clothing

I've decided to knit an item of clothing for Bella, I thought a little cardigan would be just the thing! I'm sure it'll be ready in time for next winter... that is winter 2013!

I visited my local yarn store this morning and I am now the proud owner of a pair of 4mm bamboo knitting needles ($6.50) and two balls of hot pink cotton 5 ply yarn ($3 each). The pattern is called Kina, it's from a French company called Kids Tricots and it cost me €3 (or $3.89) and that was for a PDF download (got to love instant gratification!).

The pattern is in English so that's a good start right? It's a one piece knit (from the top down) and is a mix of stocking stitch (the main part) and garter stitch (the edges). See, don't I sound like I know what I'm talking about!
So I guess now would be a great time to talk about my knitting experience (or rather lack thereof!). I love creating things, sewing would have to be my favourite crafting activity but knitter I am not! Not for lack of trying though, I have many, many, many half knitted (wonky) scarves and only just started blankets to prove my determination to learn how to knit. Though I've never attempted to knit anything that wasn't square or rectangular before so this could well end up being a lesson in humility!

As soon as I remember how to cast on I'll knit up 26 stitches by 36 rows, this in theory should measure 10cm x 10cm and if it does then it means that I'll (also in theory) knit the right size cardigan for Bella. All I can say is wish me luck and I'll keep you updated!!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The 2012 Bucket List!

Each year Scott and I write a list of resolutions on New Year's Eve, usually around five and mostly pretty standard (earn/save more money, get healthier, spend more time with family/friends etc.) but this year we decided to do something different.

We decided to write a Bucket List for the year, 15 things that we want to achieve during the year. We've set ourselves a target of getting 10 done. I think that's pretty achievable!

It's not necessarily supposed to be earth shattering, more just about making the year count! So follow us on our journey during the year!

Rosa xxx

Scott's Bucket List...

2011 for me was the "Year of Contemplation." 2012 I've decided is the "Year of Action." Inspired by Kelly Stokes who created a "Top 30 things to do before turning 30" I've decided - why not treat each year like that? So here's 15 things I am setting out to achieve this year (above and beyond the usual NYE resolutions - be healthier, nicer etc) of which I must achieve at least 10 to achieve my goal. And to keep myself honest, I'll track my progress through my old friend Facebook. In no particular order...

(1) Read all the books on my bedside table (those that know I'm not a big reader, this is an actual challenge - there's about 6 there)

(2) Design the menu for a restaurant I'd like to open

(3) Take my squash wins against Eagle Boys opponents beyond 800 (with hopefully zero losses)

(4) Meaningfully help a friend in need

(5) Try at least 20 new foods (ie foods I've never tried before. Excludes drinks)

(6) Make the kid's birthdays memorable

(7) Watch (or re-watch) the Top 20 Comedy Movies of all time - there's plenty of lists going around. I like this one -

(8) Visit the monument to cockroach "Destructo" in Eulo

(9) Take a cooking class

(10) Do the Sydney Skywalk (hopefully to chip away at my growing fear of heights)

(11) Meet Carl Barron

(12) Complete Ribs and Rumps "Meat Your Match" challenge (1kg steak, full rack of ribs and 2kg of chips in one sitting)

(13) Write the first chapter of IF41 memoirs (the university quasi-fictional novel)

(14) Tip outrageously after a meal at least once when the service is good

(15) Grow a moustache

So, there you have it. Who knows - if I achieve the goal in 2012, then exciting to think what I can plan for 2013, 2014, 2015....

Rosalie's Bucket List...

So each NYE Scott and I sit down (with wine!) and come up with a list of things that we want to accomplish each year, usually about five things and fairly standard resolutions. This year we've decided to do a mini bucket list... 15 things of which we want to complete 10 of by the end of 2012. Here is my list!

(1) Go on a cruise

(2) Do a degustation dinner

(3) Write a book

(4) Make a crème brûlée

(5) Read 'A Brief History of Time'

(6) See an exhibition at an art gallery

(7) See an opera performance

(8) Play poker at a casino

(9) Buy an original piece of art

(10) Knit an item of clothing

(11) Make a piece of furniture

(12) Donate blood

(13) Go to a drive-in movie

(14) Perform a significant random act of kindness

(15) Throw an awesome cocktail party