Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week #7 update

As is often the case, work gets in the way of life... Whether you "live to work" or "work to live" the reality is that most of us have to work at some point. Or join the public service.

This week, we had our work conference with two days and three nights of fun-filled frivolity. I really should have thought this through and adjusted my bucket list accordingly. For example "Beat your liver into submission one glass of red at a time" would have been ticked off. "Dance to Titanium with a 50 year old bikie at the Treasury Casino" also achieved (sadly not for the first time in my life). As far as conferences go, it was a ripper. I even learnt stuff. I was looking forward to outrageously tipping the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre staff for the outstanding food and service at the conference gala dinner. Sadly our table seriously debated ducking across the road to Subway for food... Bucket List Item #14 which at face value seems easy again goes unfulfilled. How do you get a slow roasted rib off the bone both crunchy and chewy at the same time. A rare talent. Gordon Ramsay would have broken the beeping machine.

Come Friday night and the opportunity arose to chip away at Bucket List Item #5 and Bucket List Item #7 concurrently. For Bucket List Item #5, I had methi leaves, as an ingredient in the Methi Malai from Curry Garden. An opportunity to deviate from the usual Indian take-out choices and it was devine. I'll be back for more. 1.2 billion people can't be wrong I guess? For Bucket List Item #7, we tackled "The Ref." I was operating under the assumption that Jerry Bruckheimer's name was not attached to anything bad. But sure, enough, there he is on the dust jacket of this little gem. Was it horrible? To be confirmed - we only lasted about 45mins before falling asleep. It's been a little while since I finished law-school, but I'm pretty sure "A furiously funny film you don't want to miss" could constitute misleading and deceptive conduct. Time will tell if we manage to stay awake for the next instalment. 

Some early birthday gifts received on Sunday night from my in-laws (parent, sisters, brother - all in-law varieties) both helped and hindered my list. A very thoughtful cash donation to put towards Bucket List Item #10 - conquering the Sydney Skywalk was counter-balanced with another book added to my bedside table (Bucket List Item #1). Although the book lists 1000 cool things to do with kids in Australia, so could assist with Bucket List Items #6, so I'm calling this gift "Bucket list neutral." I haven't read the book yet (surprisingly), but I suspect that "strap the kids in for a 22 hour round trip to Eulo" is probably not included in the book. Guess next year's re-print will have 1001 cool things.

Until next week...

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