Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week #6 Update

Slow week in Bucket List land this week.

A special thanks to Paola Tanner for the book "5" which I finally read after only a few years of sitting on the bedside table (the book, not me), thus continuing to chip away at Bucket List Item #1. I've concluded two main things. First, that living your best life is not really that hard - you just need to figure out what you want, document how to get there and then stick to the plan. Second, that self help book authors are not real writers... just masters of the Captain Obvious game.

Interestingly, I'm so pleased with the process and progress, I've already started thinking about next year's bucket list. What didn't make the list this year that should have? Any ideas guys and gals? For starters, I'll be creating my own "Top 20 comedy movies" list and then watching them - Saturday night I took in the hilarious Naked Gun 2 which was funnier than anything I'd seen so far on the so-called Top 20 Comedy Movies list. Yet its not on the list. Hmmmm.

Carl Barron is makin' it hard for me (Bucket List Item #11). C'mon mate. He's just updated his tour schedule and has finally scheduled some dates outside of Sydney. Wollongong and Canberra. Not even the lure of Carl Barron could get me voluntarily to either of those places. Aim further North my friend.

Until next week...

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