Monday, March 12, 2012

Week #10 Update

Urgent vs. Important. It's a battle that I deal with at work everyday. Well most days. Well some days. Well the days that the choice is between actual work-related tasks rather than steak vs. ribs. Trouble is that the Urgent vs Important debate more and more is a feature of life outside of work. Everyday I'm shufflin indeed.

Urgent urgent urgent... mow the grass, do the dishes, feed, bathe and clothe children. Preferably mine. Cook dinner, pay bills, check Facebook, check Linkedin, vaccuum, eat, sleep, iron, Words with Friends. All urgent, but is it important? Thank God I don't get the whole hashtag thing. My life would grind to a halt #firstworldproblem. Long term financial planning, unpacking the insurance rubics cube, home renos, superannuation consolidation blah blah blah. All important, but are they a focus. Unlikely.

And in a week where Joseph Kony starred in his own little 30 minute doco, does any of my urgent or important stuff matter in the scheme of the world? I'm not selling poster packs for $225 to help solve my problems, so probably not. Maybe because, as I found out through the wonders of the internet and my darling wife (happy anniversary bub), that people in Australia earning the minimum wage have an income in the Top 5% of the worldwide population.

So then what about the Bucket List - is this urgent or important? Well, I think it's neither and it's both. In the grand scheme of things, 15 wishes on a page of a very fortunate person are irrelevant. But to me it's urgent and important. It adds fun and purpose outside of the daily grind. Everyday I'm not just shuffling, I'm boogeying and busting a move as well.

And it was a slow groove this week. Another couple of pages down of my marketing book. The executive summary from last week still rings true.

Another few games onto the squash tally. Now 708 and counting.

Another movie under the belt. Blazing Saddles! Nothing quite as refreshing as a movie jammed end-to-end with unbelievable political incorrectness. Not unlike Kalibar at 3am Saturday morning which generated the hangover that spawned the decision to sit on my backside all day on Saturday and ultimately then watch Blazing Saddles. One hell of a circle of love. Blazing Saddles was classic Mel Brooks and possibly one of his movies would have to make it into an actual Top 20 funniest list. Certainly if I was 13 then one probably would. But I'm all grown up now. Insert deafening laughter here. That's nine movies down and eleven to go. Almost half way for those that a mathematically challenged.

I've got Carl Barron and a huge hunk of meat on my mind. That is definitely two different and distinct bucket list items. So while there's bigger fish to fry in the tacky fish n chip shop of planet Earth, I'll keep "chipping" away.

Until next week....

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