Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week #30, #31, #32 & #33 Update

It's definitely time for action. Settle down Rosy, not that kind of action. The kind of action that will see my Bucket List start to evaporate. I haven't had a lot of luck though. Settle down Rosy, not that kind of luck. I'm talking Bucket List luck.

Take Bucket List Item #11 - Meet Carl Barron. Short and sweet. No not Carl, the Bucket List item. Well Carl is short and sweetish I guess. Settle down Rosy. Not that kind of sweetish. You think of comedians of Carl's vintage that I could of have singled out for a bit of Scotty love. Shaun Mcaliff, Glenn Robbins, Dave Hughes... all would have been valid choices. Maybe not Hughesy as I've met him already. He's awesome. Love your work Hughesy. And then there's Jimeoin. So imagine my surprise when I rock up at a corporate event and he's the MC. Funny dude. Bit of a twat though. Sorry champ. Obligatory photo with a photo bomb from some random.

Oh yer. For the males playing at home, the "corporate event" was the crowing of Chicko Chick 2013. A photo just because it should increase the number of hits to my blog (and to my scrotum from my wife)

Bucket List Item #5 - Try 20 new foods. I've lost count. But I've added Chicken Hearts to the list. So I'm one closer to the total. Guess I'll have to go back and read every single blog update since January. I hope my ribcage can stand the hilarity. Shame my chicken-heart-dishing-outering waiter didn't appreciate my sense of humour. When I ate the heavily garlic-laden chicken, I asked if it had garlic because I was highly allergic to garlic. Then when I had the steak I asked if it contained beef as I was highly allergic to beef. He managed to crack a smile though. Perhaps he was practising for the Department of Immigration.

The weekend just passed was potentially a Bucket List smashing opportunity gone begging. Two relatively free days following what has been a fairly hectic period. BTW the word hectic sounds way better when you're Lebanese. Hec-tic. I managed to mow the lawn, wash and detail the cars, tidy up the garden and tidy the house. Overrated. None of those things are on the Bucket List. Because they are the boring, mundane trappings of suburban life. It's simply solidified my resolve to tackle the Bucket List with gusto.

So tomorrow I set off on another Sydney trek. Who knows what Bucket List items I may be able to tick off. Well I know. But you don't. You can probably guess. You'll probably be wrong. Maybe not. Who knows. Well I know. But you don't. OK, that could get pretty repetitive.

Until next time...