Monday, June 11, 2012

Week #22 & Week #23 Update

If you have ever wondered what the abence of any stable political rule would be like - complete anarchy - then strap yourself into a five year old's birthday party. Seventeen hyped, Pop-Topped, candied, chocolated and trampolined midgets shaking the very foundations of your house until breaking point. And that was just the first five minutes. Robbie Williams was doing it for the kids. Let's be honest though. If Kylie Minogue walked up to you in gold hotpants and asked you to do something, you'd pretty much do it.

My bucket list progressed in a few areas over the last fortnight - a couple of books covered off (Bucket List Item #1). A few more squash wins (Bucket List Item #3). But ultimately, this week was all about Alex. My little boy turned five and all efforts were focused on making sure he had a truly memorable birthday. And I think we nailed it. Unlike Grant Hackett, I didn't need to turn a grand piano upside down to leave a lasting memory. C'mon Uncle Toby's - I could totally step in to his endorsement deal. Aside from the gulf in physical fitness between the two of us, I would generally cap my lunch wine consumption at four bottles.

Anways, back to Alex's birthday celebration. It was a three part affair. Part one was Tuesday. Alex's actual birthday. Not only was I in the same State this year, but also in the same house. Eating both breakfast and dinner together was a rare treat. Cake, presents, decorations and plenty of smiles. The perfect birthday combination.

Part 2 was the the main event, from a logistics perspective anyway. A two hour and thirty minute tornado that whipped through The Gap, leaving a trail of popped balloons, empty jelly shots, discarded bottles and enough junk food to burst The Biggest Loser set. Not unlike Schoolies from what I remember, but with less Baileys. Alex's Mad Scientist 5th birthday spectacular was on. All his friends from school, several parents in tow and an afternoon of fun that won't soon be forgotten. Just when the kids had settled into the groove of trampolining, bike riding, ball kicking (not mine for once) and general partying, the entertainers arrived. Kids donned lab coats and saftey glasses for the making of slime (apologies to those parents that dressed their kids in the good clothes!), lava lamps and not surprisingly - the one that got the kids excited - the exploding bottle of random coloured stuff. Then a slice of cake, takeaway bags jammed with more sugary goodness and the party was offically over. Photos and videos galore taken of course, but here's a selection.

Then, the low key Part 3 - family afternoon tea for some more birthday presents, party food and fun. Nobody told Alex to be low key though. So much excitement for one human being to handle, but suffice to say, Bucket List Item #6 is now 50% complete. And I think I had more fun than he did!

Until next fortnight...